Announcement – News Release and Final Report on Automated Drainage Water Management
“Automated drainage water management (ADWM) applied in a conservation systems approach offers great promise to improve both the environmental performance of agriculture and farm economic viability in tile drained landscapes” according to a January 2022 report released by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA)…” To learn more, click the link below:
We are pleased to provide a copy of the final report on Automated Drainage Water Management (ADWM) under the H2Ohio Technology Assessment Program (TAP), released to Ecosystem Services Exchange (ESE) by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. To learn more, click the link below:
H2Ohio Technology Assessment Final Report – ADWM – Jan 2022 and Transmittal
Partner with ESE
Ecosystem Services Exchange (ESE) can assist with the planning, design, managing and monitoring of your agricultural land. We will help by implementing in-field or edge-of-field water management practices that improve productivity and conservation. We are able to determine which practice will be most effective and economically feasible for your land. ESE will utilize a combination of real-time nitrogen sensing, automation, and DRAINMOD to analyze and model the nutrient reductions in your field. We know what it will take to achieve water quality goals and want to get there faster by making sure farmers and landowners are rewarded for their land stewardship. Together, we will work towards a better future for our natural resources.
Our Mission Statement

Managing Water. Harvesting Results.
This film is an overview of drainage water management techniques. Sand County Foundation and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) hosted a conference in Minnesota in October 2011 that discussed agricultural water management in depth. The video is courtesy of the Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition and the Minnesota Agricultural Water Resource Center